The UN Sustainable Development Goals and Provision of Security, Responses to Crime and Security Threats, and Fair Criminal Justice Systems
Ključne besede:
cilji trajnostnega razvoja, Združeni narodi, varnost, kriminaliteta, varnostne grožnje, kriminologija, kazensko pravosodje, pravičnostKratka vsebina
Cilji trajnostnega razvoja Združenih narodov in zagotavljanje varnosti, odzivi na kriminaliteto in varnostne grožnje ter pravični kazenskopravni sistemi. Knjiga obsega 14 recenziranih poglavij, ki se osredotočajo na raziskovanje kriminalitete in varnostnih pojavov v povezavi s Cilji trajnostnega razvoja Združenih narodov. Knjiga predstavlja multidisciplinarno delo, ki združuje različne poglede zagotavljanja varnosti v lokalnem okolju, na nacionalni ravni, kot tudi v mednarodnem okolju. V poglavjih so predstavljene ugotovitve pregledov literature, empiričnega raziskovanja kriminalitete in viktimiziranosti posameznikov, študije primerov, specifične oblike kriminalitete in odzivi institucij in civilne družbe na varnostne pojave, pravne in perspektive policijske dejavnosti pri zagotavljanju varnosti v sodobni družbi.
This compilation stands apart from other books on the SDGs for its attention to Goal 16. The Introduction includes interesting reference to ways that criminology and criminal justice link to other SDGs (e.g., green criminology relates to Biosphere SDGs and human trafficking to economy SDGs). But the remaining chapters focus on SDG 16 in ways that provide the reader with useful, informative, and specific information on goal targets to reduce all forms of violence, combat organized crime, and establish effective criminal justice institutions. With examples from a variety of countries, settings, and crime types the editors have compiled a comprehensive and edifying review of material that will assist students, researchers, and educators in their various endeavors.
Philip Reichel, PhD
Professor Emeritus, University of Northern Colorado
Past Chair, American Society of Criminology Division of International Criminology
The volume is edited by prominent scholars in comparative criminal justice and offers a timely contribution that considers, in part, progress toward the United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development. The foundational material on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals makes the multiauthor volume accessible to a wide readership. Although the collection centers on SDG 16—Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, considered together with the intersecting content on targets and indicators, and the inclusion of research from Brazil, several European countries, the United Kingdom, and the United States, the scope provides the possibility for larger discussions on global patterns and policies. The text would be a great option for global inquiry courses and provide students with opportunities to engage with the SDGs, while exploring what factors impact achievement of the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development, as well as global criminal justice reforms.
Dawn Beichner-Thomas, PhD
Professor, Criminal Justice Sciences, Illinois State University
Chair, American Society of Criminology Division of International Criminology
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Criminology and Criminal JusticeGorazd Meško, Sanja Kutnjak Ivković, Rok Hacin
Sexual Violence and Its Prevention in Nightlife Venues Through the Lenses of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals – A Case Study in LjubljanaTinkara Bulovec, Katja Eman
Under-Reporting and Under-Recording of Hate Crimes against Muslim Women in ItalyCinzia Broccolo, Rūta Grigaliūnaitė, Cloé Saint-Nom, Guido Savasta
Prevalence of Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents in Municipalities in North MacedoniaOlga Kosevaliska, Zhaneta Poposka, Elena Maksimova
Demographic Variations in Self-Reported Delinquency and Victimisation amongst Juveniles in LjubljanaIza Kokoravec Povh, Gorazd Meško, Ineke Haen Marshall
Drug Crime as a Challenge for Sustainable Development: The Czech Republic ExperienceDavid Čep
The Intersection of Rural Criminology and Food Security: The Impact of Organised Criminal Groups in the Rural SpaceKreseda Smith
Exploiting White-Collar Criminals’ Know-How: Towards a New Way of PunishmentRoberta De Paolis
Curbing of Illegal Construction of Facilities in Sustainable Cities and CommunitiesVelimir Rakočević, Aleksandra Rakočević
Evaluating Policing Models in Rural Croatia: Residents’ Perceptions and Preferences in Požeško-Slavonska CountyIrena Cajner Mraović, Ivana Radić, Kaja Prislan Mihelič, Branko Lobnikar
A Likelihood-Based Approach to Developing Effective Proactive Police MethodsRobin L. Markwitz
Gender Equality from the Police Recruits’ Perspective: Does Their Gender Make the Difference?Iva Balgač, Irena Cajner Mraović, Krunoslav Borovec
Legal Implementation of the Elements of Security in the Sustainable Development Goals Performed by the Local CommunitiesBojan Tičar, Andreja Primec
Aggressive War against Ukraine: Rural and Urban Safety in the Context of National and Global SecurityMykhaylo Shepitko, Valeriy Shepitko
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