ATHENA Research Book, Volume 1
Ključne besede:
Evropska univerza ATHENA, Erasmus, raziskovalna dejavnost, interdisciplinarnost, sodelovanjeKratka vsebina
Evropska univerza ATHENA je zveza devetih visokošolskih ustanov. Njeno poslanstvo je tudi spodbujanje odličnosti na področju raziskav in inovacij s pospeševanjem mednarodnega sodelovanja. Akronim ATHENA pomeni Advanced Technologies in Higher Education Alliance (Zveza za napredne tehnologije v visokem šolstvu). Partnerske institucije so iz Francije, Grčije, Italije, Litve, Nemčije, Portugalske in Slovenije: University of Orléans, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Niccolò Cusano University, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, University of Siegen, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, in University of Maribor. Leta 2022 so se zvezi pridružile institucije iz Poljske in Španije: Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in University of Vigo.
V pričujoči knjigi je predstavljen izbor raziskovalnih dejavnosti univerzitetnih partnerjev združenja ATHENA. Vključuje recenzirane izvirne članke, ponatise in prispevke študentov. Raziskovalna knjiga ATHENA je platforma, ki spodbuja skupne in interdisciplinarne raziskovalne projekte uveljavljenih raziskovalcev ter raziskovalcev na začetku kariere.
- Analysis of Linux OS Security Tools for Packet Filtering and Processing Analysis of Linux OS Security Tools for Packet Filtering and Processing
- An Overview of Methods for Generating, Augmenting and Evaluating Room Impulse Response Using Artificial Neural Networks An Overview of Methods for Generating, Augmenting and Evaluating Room Impulse Response Using Artificial Neural Networks
- The Impact of Using Serious Games as a Learning Tool in Higher Education The Impact of Using Serious Games as a Learning Tool in Higher Education
- Introducing A Microservice-Based Mobile Software Product Line – a Technical Debt Perspective Introducing A Microservice-Based Mobile Software Product Line – a Technical Debt Perspective
- Adaptive Model Predictive Control with Regularized Finite Impulse Response Models Adaptive Model Predictive Control with Regularized Finite Impulse Response Models
- A 2-Tap Indirect ToF CMOS Image Sensor for Multi-Frequency Demodulation A 2-Tap Indirect ToF CMOS Image Sensor for Multi-Frequency Demodulation
- Use of the Smartphone Camera to Monitor Adherence to Inhaled Therapy Use of the Smartphone Camera to Monitor Adherence to Inhaled Therapy
- Tablet Splitting: Influence of Technique and Tablet Format Tablet Splitting: Influence of Technique and Tablet Format
- Pain Overview: Classification, Conceptual Framework, and Assessment Pain Overview: Classification, Conceptual Framework, and Assessment
- Social Media as a Channel for Cooperation, Co-creation and Communication between Companies Social Media as a Channel for Cooperation, Co-creation and Communication between Companies
- Deep Neural Network as an Optimizer for FMCW THz Image Deblurring Deep Neural Network as an Optimizer for FMCW THz Image Deblurring
- Living the Culture through the Commoning Living the Culture through the Commoning
- Instagram for Information and Publicity Purposes During the Covid-19 Pandemic Instagram for Information and Publicity Purposes During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Single-measurement Determination of Molar Fraction and Temperature of Binary Gas Mixtures from Combined Laser Induced Grating and Four-wave Mixing Signals Single-measurement Determination of Molar Fraction and Temperature of Binary Gas Mixtures from Combined Laser Induced Grating and Four-wave Mixing Signals
- Applying SCRUM in a Physics II Undergraduate Course: Effect on Student Progression and Soft Skills Development Applying SCRUM in a Physics II Undergraduate Course: Effect on Student Progression and Soft Skills Development
- Semantic Information Discovery and Complex-Valued Deep Architectures for SAR Data Processing . Semantic Information Discovery and Complex-Valued Deep Architectures for SAR Data Processing .
- Multi-sensor Characteristics and Application-based Processing Multi-sensor Characteristics and Application-based Processing
- Heat Capacity and Internal Thermal Resistance Measurements in Lithium-ion Cells Heat Capacity and Internal Thermal Resistance Measurements in Lithium-ion Cells
- Dose per Pulse Monitoring of MeV Photon Beams Dose per Pulse Monitoring of MeV Photon Beams
- CS-based ToF Imaging CS-based ToF Imaging
- Bringing VLC into ToF Imaging: Pseudo-Passive Indoor ToF Imaging Bringing VLC into ToF Imaging: Pseudo-Passive Indoor ToF Imaging
- Potentially Irritant Preservatives in Newborn Baby Cosmetics – Analysis of Labels of Products Sold in Portugal Potentially Irritant Preservatives in Newborn Baby Cosmetics – Analysis of Labels of Products Sold in Portugal
- Potential Drug Interactions between Oral Antineoplastic Agents and Opioid Analgesics Potential Drug Interactions between Oral Antineoplastic Agents and Opioid Analgesics
- Ketamine Antidepressant Properties: a Systematic Review of Clinical Trials Ketamine Antidepressant Properties: a Systematic Review of Clinical Trials
- Health Promotion Conceptual Evolution and Program Development: a Literature Review Health Promotion Conceptual Evolution and Program Development: a Literature Review
- Students’ Perception of Self-efficacy and Academic Engagement in School of Health of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto: an Observational Study Students’ Perception of Self-efficacy and Academic Engagement in School of Health of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto: an Observational Study
- Inclusive Digital Learning through Serious Games: a Clipping for Inclusion Inclusive Digital Learning through Serious Games: a Clipping for Inclusion
- Development of an Inclusive Multiplayer Serious Game for Deaf and Blind Development of an Inclusive Multiplayer Serious Game for Deaf and Blind
- Supercritical Fluids for the Treatment of Bioactive Components Supercritical Fluids for the Treatment of Bioactive Components
- Modelling and Characterisation of Metamaterials with Primitive and Advanced Cellular Structures Modelling and Characterisation of Metamaterials with Primitive and Advanced Cellular Structures
- Light-Weight Learning-Based Depth Estimation from a Single Image Light-Weight Learning-Based Depth Estimation from a Single Image
- Composer-Computer-Interpreter. A Three-way Collaborative Process to the Creation of Two New Works for Multipercussion Composer-Computer-Interpreter. A Three-way Collaborative Process to the Creation of Two New Works for Multipercussion
- Biologija
- Ekonomija
- Elektrotehnika
- Energetika
- Fizika
- Humanistika
- Kemija in kemijska tehnologija
- Kmetijstvo
- Matematika
- Materiali
- Medicina
- Muzikologija
- Računalništvo in informatika
- Sociologija
- Strojništvo
- Vzgoja in izobraževanje
- Zdravstvene vede
- 2022
- Znanstvena monografija
- Odprti dostop
- Univerza v Mariboru
- Angleški jezik