International Conference Fluid Power 2023: Conference Proceedings
Ključne besede:
mednarodna konferenca, fluidna tehnika, znanost in stroka, novosti, dosežkiKratka vsebina
Mednarodna konferenca Fluidna tehnika: Konferenčni zbornik. Mednarodne konference Fluidna tehnika/Fluid Power so dvodnevni dogodek, namenjen vsem, ki se profesionalno ukvarjajo s hidravličnimi ali pnevmatičnimi napravami in pogoni ter vsem tistim, ki želijo biti obveščeni o "najsodobnejšem stanju", novih odkritjih in novostih na področju hidravlike in pnevmatike. Vsi prispevki uvrščeni v program konference so recenzirani in zbrani v zborniku konference. Srečanja strokovnjakov na teh konferencah v Mariboru je tradicija že od leta 1995 dalje; organizirajo pa jih člani Laboratorija za oljno hidravliko na Fakulteti za strojništvo Univerze v Mariboru. Konference so dvonevni dogodek, organizirane vsako drugo leto in so najpomembnejši dogodek s področja stroke v Sloveniji in v tem delu Evrope. Letošnja konferenca poteka FT2023 120 in 21. septembra v Mariboru, v Kongresnem centru Habakuk.
- 3D Printing for Hydraulic Components 3D Printing for Hydraulic Components
- Cleanliness of Valve Components – Research of Basic Washing Parameters Through Measuring Dynamic Surface Tension of Liquids Cleanliness of Valve Components – Research of Basic Washing Parameters Through Measuring Dynamic Surface Tension of Liquids
- Air Release and Foaming Properties of Fresh Hydraulic Oils Air Release and Foaming Properties of Fresh Hydraulic Oils
- Air Release of Used Hydraulic Mineral-based Oils Air Release of Used Hydraulic Mineral-based Oils
- Polymers For Sustainable Hydraulic Valves Tested in Water, Glycerol-water Mixture and Hydraulic Oil Polymers For Sustainable Hydraulic Valves Tested in Water, Glycerol-water Mixture and Hydraulic Oil
- Implementation of External Matlab Closed-loop Controllers Within Beckhoff Soft-PLC Controller Implementation of External Matlab Closed-loop Controllers Within Beckhoff Soft-PLC Controller
- EOL Valve Test Bench Automatization EOL Valve Test Bench Automatization
- Gear Pump Hydraulic Testing and Simulation Gear Pump Hydraulic Testing and Simulation
- Simulation Analysis of Influential Parameters Effecting the Hydraulic Press Behaviour Simulation Analysis of Influential Parameters Effecting the Hydraulic Press Behaviour
- Mud Pump Pressure Pulsation Control Systems Mud Pump Pressure Pulsation Control Systems
- Analysis of Valve Plate Stress in an Axial Piston Pump Analysis of Valve Plate Stress in an Axial Piston Pump
- Design and Control of Miniature Water Vessels Design and Control of Miniature Water Vessels
- Development of a New Hydraulic Freewheeling Valve HCC-200 Development of a New Hydraulic Freewheeling Valve HCC-200
- Design Guidelines for Non-standard Plugs Design Guidelines for Non-standard Plugs
- Fluid Power Microcredentials - New Possibilities to Acquire Necessary Knowledge Fluid Power Microcredentials - New Possibilities to Acquire Necessary Knowledge
- Didactics in I4.0 Fluid Power Systems Didactics in I4.0 Fluid Power Systems
- Innovative Mechatronic Systems with Advanced Control Methods Innovative Mechatronic Systems with Advanced Control Methods
- Oscillation Problems by the Use of Moog D633 Proportional Control Valves Due to Spool Oscillation and Avoidance by Changing Hose Lengths and Controller Behaviour Oscillation Problems by the Use of Moog D633 Proportional Control Valves Due to Spool Oscillation and Avoidance by Changing Hose Lengths and Controller Behaviour
- A Contribution to Research Into the Design and Analysis of a Hydraulic Robotic Arm A Contribution to Research Into the Design and Analysis of a Hydraulic Robotic Arm
- Optimization of Axial Piston Water Pumps in the Development Phase Optimization of Axial Piston Water Pumps in the Development Phase
- The Influence of the Tilt Angle of the Inclined Plate on the Gradient of the Pressure Increase in the Piston-axial Pump Cylinder The Influence of the Tilt Angle of the Inclined Plate on the Gradient of the Pressure Increase in the Piston-axial Pump Cylinder
- A Simulation Study on the Feasibility of Valve Spool Stabilization Under the Influence of Spool Core Elasticity A Simulation Study on the Feasibility of Valve Spool Stabilization Under the Influence of Spool Core Elasticity
- Tool for the Design and Simulation of Hydrostatic Bearings in Machine Tools Tool for the Design and Simulation of Hydrostatic Bearings in Machine Tools
- Wave Propagation in Hydraulic Transmission Lines - State of the Art in Efficient Simulation Models Wave Propagation in Hydraulic Transmission Lines - State of the Art in Efficient Simulation Models
- Legal Requirements of Hydraulic Power Units Legal Requirements of Hydraulic Power Units
- Fluid Power Technology and Development Trends Fluid Power Technology and Development Trends