Security days
Criminal Justice and Security Days
Criminal Justice and Security Days are an annual criminal justice and security conference of all those experts from the Slovenian police, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Justice, Customs Administration, as well as from other state administration bodies, private-security and detective agencies, local communities or companies who deal with issues related to safety, security, and criminal justice. The main purpose of this conference is to provide the experts with an opportunity to present new knowledge, insight, research findings, good business practice, and cases involving successful transfer of knowledge into practice while fostering communication between theoreticians and practicians in solving current problems and issues.
Conference Editorial Board:
doc. dr. Maja Modic, predsednica
pred. Bernarda Tominc, sekretarka
izr. prof. dr. Igor Areh
Anita Bašelj
Barbara Erjavec
izr. prof. dr. Benjamin Flander
izr. prof. dr. Branko Lobnikar
Teja Per
Aleksander Podlogar
More: Security Days 2019; Security Days 2018; Security Days 2017