Teaching Methods for Economics and Business Sciences
International scientific conference Methods for Economics and Business Sciences
International scientific conference Methods for Economics and Business Sciences addresses the question of proper higher education learning environment for teaching and learning students of Economics and Business Sciences that supports the development of their professional competences for successfulness in contemporary global economy and business environment. At the conference academics and practitioners share their experiences and examples of good practices and discuss the future trends on a number of related issues at this field, such as: Which teaching methods and techniques can we employ to best fit the subjects we teach? To what extent are traditional teaching methods still relevant within university educational process? How do we support different needs and learning styles of our students? How can we encourage students to become active and independent learners? What do we know about our students’ motivations and our requisite responses in teaching? How can we support the creativity of our students? How can we integrate modern technology into teaching? How can we efficiently link the theory and practice in our teaching? What do we know about the peculiarities of millennials’ learning? How (often) do we reflect upon our own teaching practice? In the former three years the conference was organised as part of International week that is being held each year at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Maribor.
Programme Committee (2019):
Prof. Darja Boršič, Ph.D., University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Slovenia
Lect. Nataša Gajšt, M.Sc., University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Slovenia
Assist. Prof. Magdalena Graczyk–Kucharska, Ph.D., Poznań University of Technology, Poland
Assist. Prof. Romana Korez Vide, Ph.D., University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Slovenia
Prof. Žan Jan Oplotnik, Ph.D., University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Slovenia
Lect. Alenka Plos, M.Sc., University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Slovenia
Assist. Prof. Tjaša Štrukelj, Ph.D., University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Slovenia
Assist. Prof. Igor Todorović, Ph.D., University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Economics, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Assist. Prof. Ewa Wiecek–Janka, Ph.D., Poznań University of Technology, Poland