OTS 2024 Sodobne informacijske tehnologije in storitve: Zbornik 27. konference
informatics, ICT technologies, software engineering, ICT solutions, information systems, digital transformation, development of mobile and web solutions, cloud architectures, data technologies, business intelligence, artificial intelligence and machine learning, big data and data streams, methods of agile development, blockchain technologies, cybersecuritySynopsis
OTS 2024 Advanced Information Technologies and Services: Conference Proceeding of the 27th Conference. In the proceedings of the twenty-seventh OTS 2024 conference, the contributions of experts in the field of informatics are published, in which new insights and trends in the development, implementation, adaptation and management of information solutions are presented, as well as concrete successful approaches and good practices. Contributions address the areas of contemporary architectural challenges, classical, generative and deep artificial intelligence, modern web or mobile user interfaces, as well as traditional, serverless and decentralized cloud backend systems. The topics of the contributions also include providing an appropriate scalable environment for them and automating testing, quality measurement and delivery by proactively addressing the most common cyber attacks. The red thread of the contributions is represented by data technologies, which are represented in the form of classic databases, data lakes and efficient collection, processing and visualization of big data. The contributions thus continue to enable a better connection between IT experts, informaticists, architects and developers of IT solutions and services, as well as the academic sphere and business.
Kako ukrotiti velik jezikovni model nad lokalnim korpusom
Primer razvoja pametnega asistenta
Inovacije v arhitekturah podatkovnih prostorov
Življenjski cikel cevovodov neprekinjene namestitve informacijskih rešitev
Optimizacija uporabe CI/CD cevovodov, DevOps pristopa in oblaka
Integracija zaganjalnika mobilnih aplikacij v lasten sistem za upravljanje mobilnih naprav
Razvoj spletnih aplikacij za razvijalce zalednih sistemov
Optimiranje delovanja zbirke podatkov časovne vrste
Merjenje učinka uporabe strojnega učenja pri mikroplaniranju proizvodnje
Premagovanje izzivov hranjenja podatkov v verigi blokov
Tehnološki, ekonomski in psihološki vidiki kibernetskih napadov
Breme predpisov in standardizacije v sezoni 2024/2025
Izvršba s pametno pogodbo
Kubernetes v omrežjih z omejenim dostopom
Vpeljava sistema za politiko dostopa v avtorizacijski proces obstoječega sistema
Alternativa geslom – FIDO2 in Passkey
Zero-knowledge proof v praksi
Signali v programskem jeziku JavaScript
Angular in .NET kot konkurenca namiznim aplikacijam
Preizkušeni pristopi pri upodabljanju spletnih aplikacij na strežniku
Izzivi pri prenovi spletne aplikacije za iskanje knjižničnega gradiva
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