ATHENA Research Book, Volume 2
Ključne besede:
ATHENA Evropska univerza, Erasmus, raziskava, indisciplinarnost, sodelovanjeKratka vsebina
Evropska univerza ATHENA je zveza devetih visokošolskih ustanov z misijo spodbujanja odličnosti v raziskavah in inovacijah z omogočanjem mednarodnega sodelovanja. Akronim ATHENA pomeni združenje naprednih tehnologij v visokošolskem izobraževanju. Partnerske institucije so iz Francije, Nemčije, Grčije, Italije, Litve, Portugalske in Slovenije: Univerza v Orléansu, Univerza v Siegenu, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Univerza Niccolò Cusano, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Politehnični inštitut Porto in Univerza v Mariboru. Leta 2022 sta se zavezništvu pridružili dve ustanovi: Univerza Maria Curie-Skłodowska iz Poljske in Univerza v Vigu iz Španije. Tudi leta 2022 se je zavezništvu kot pridružena članica pridružila institucija iz Avstrije: Koroška univerza uporabnih znanosti. Ta raziskovalna knjiga predstavlja izbor raziskovalnih dejavnosti partnerjev univerze ATHENA. Vsebuje pregled raziskovalne dejavnosti posameznega člana, izbor najpomembnejših bibliografskih del članov, recenzirane študentske naloge, opisni seznam predavanj ATHENA in poročila iz posameznih delovnih sklopov projekta ATHENA. Raziskovalna knjiga ATHENA zagotavlja platformo, ki spodbuja skupne in interdisciplinarne raziskovalne projekte naprednih raziskovalcev in raziskovalcev na začetku kariere.

- The ATHENA Colloquial Talks Initiative: A Report and Future Developments The ATHENA Colloquial Talks Initiative: A Report and Future Developments
- SiOHCA: A Case Report on Strategies for Fostering Student Innovation SiOHCA: A Case Report on Strategies for Fostering Student Innovation
- Use of Hackathons in Engineering Curriculum: Best Practices Use of Hackathons in Engineering Curriculum: Best Practices
- Preliminary Study of the Durability of Nano-silica-based Chromatic Reintegration and Fresco Mock-ups with Lapis Lazuli Exposed to Different Natural Environments Preliminary Study of the Durability of Nano-silica-based Chromatic Reintegration and Fresco Mock-ups with Lapis Lazuli Exposed to Different Natural Environments
- Methodology for the Correct Reproduction of Megalithic Paintings: Substrates and Binders Methodology for the Correct Reproduction of Megalithic Paintings: Substrates and Binders
- Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Previous Paint Layer to Slow Down Deterioration of Urban art Murals Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Previous Paint Layer to Slow Down Deterioration of Urban art Murals
- Developing a Near-IR Eye Tracker to Analyze Eye Movements Related to Suicide Risk Assessment Developing a Near-IR Eye Tracker to Analyze Eye Movements Related to Suicide Risk Assessment
- Water Quality Monitoring of Shallow Lakes Through Google Earth Engine Water Quality Monitoring of Shallow Lakes Through Google Earth Engine
- Shellfish Catchers’ Health in Relation to Their Biological Cycles Shellfish Catchers’ Health in Relation to Their Biological Cycles
- PML/ RARA Variants and their Role in Arsenic Trioxide Resistance in APL: A Scoping Review PML/ RARA Variants and their Role in Arsenic Trioxide Resistance in APL: A Scoping Review
- Optimizing the Water-based Extraction of Rubia tinctorum L. Pigments Optimizing the Water-based Extraction of Rubia tinctorum L. Pigments
- Optimization of an HPLC-DAD Method for Quercetin Detection Optimization of an HPLC-DAD Method for Quercetin Detection
- Exploring Parkinson’s Disease Rehabilitation: Virtual Reality-based Action Observation Therapy in Focus Exploring Parkinson’s Disease Rehabilitation: Virtual Reality-based Action Observation Therapy in Focus
- Development of Biomimetic Systems for the Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injuries Development of Biomimetic Systems for the Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injuries
- Biocomposites Based on Biopolymers and Waste Products for Food Packaging Biocomposites Based on Biopolymers and Waste Products for Food Packaging
- Adverse Reactions Mediated by Strontium-89, Samarium-153, Rhenium-186 and Rhenium-188: A Systematic Review of Literature Adverse Reactions Mediated by Strontium-89, Samarium-153, Rhenium-186 and Rhenium-188: A Systematic Review of Literature
- The Great Patriotic War in the Propaganda of “Komsomolskaya Pravda” and “Argumenty i Fakty” in the Years 2014-2022 The Great Patriotic War in the Propaganda of “Komsomolskaya Pravda” and “Argumenty i Fakty” in the Years 2014-2022
- Study of the Impact of the Quality of Communication on the Success of Projects Carried out at Higher Educational Institutions Study of the Impact of the Quality of Communication on the Success of Projects Carried out at Higher Educational Institutions
- Protected Areas in War Zones – Global Analysis Towards the Nature for Peace Concept Protected Areas in War Zones – Global Analysis Towards the Nature for Peace Concept
- Progress in Fine Arts Creativity of 13 Year Olds through Contemporary Fine Art Progress in Fine Arts Creativity of 13 Year Olds through Contemporary Fine Art
- Motivational Aspects of Galician Shellfish Women Regarding their Participation in Associations Motivational Aspects of Galician Shellfish Women Regarding their Participation in Associations
- Inclusive Cultural Heritage Tourism Inclusive Cultural Heritage Tourism
- Exploring Ethnicity-Based Factors of Bullying Involvement: A Social-Ecological Systems Approach Exploring Ethnicity-Based Factors of Bullying Involvement: A Social-Ecological Systems Approach
- Designing Virtual Reality Scenarios for Reducing Stress Among University Students Designing Virtual Reality Scenarios for Reducing Stress Among University Students
- A Design Thinking Based Proposal for Self-guided Adaptative Visits to Cultural Facilities A Design Thinking Based Proposal for Self-guided Adaptative Visits to Cultural Facilities
- Upgrading of Mather-type Dense Plasma Focus Machine for Advanced Plasma Dynamic Studies Upgrading of Mather-type Dense Plasma Focus Machine for Advanced Plasma Dynamic Studies
- Towards Developing Parallel Corpora for Portuguese and Portuguese Sign Languages Towards Developing Parallel Corpora for Portuguese and Portuguese Sign Languages
- The architecture of the Seimas Palace The architecture of the Seimas Palace
- Application of Human Kinetic Energy to the Power Supply for Wearable Devices Application of Human Kinetic Energy to the Power Supply for Wearable Devices
- PRISMA “Super Resolution” Images: Hyperspectral Multispectral Data Fusion with Sentinel-2 PRISMA “Super Resolution” Images: Hyperspectral Multispectral Data Fusion with Sentinel-2
- PLA Deposition on HDPE Substrates for Hybrid Additive Remanufacturing PLA Deposition on HDPE Substrates for Hybrid Additive Remanufacturing
- Optimization of the Fused Deposition Modelling Process Parameters for the Production of Biopolymeric Scaffolds Optimization of the Fused Deposition Modelling Process Parameters for the Production of Biopolymeric Scaffolds
- On the Use of Gee for Management and Monitoring of Flood Events On the Use of Gee for Management and Monitoring of Flood Events
- Numerical and Experimental Study of High-Pressure Gas-Jet Targets for Ion Acceleration in the Near-Critical Density Regime Numerical and Experimental Study of High-Pressure Gas-Jet Targets for Ion Acceleration in the Near-Critical Density Regime
- Mechanical Characterization of Low-Cost Piezoresistive Fabrics for Sensors Design Mechanical Characterization of Low-Cost Piezoresistive Fabrics for Sensors Design
- Measuring Foot Clearance Through Video-Based Methods: A Metrological Comparison Measuring Foot Clearance Through Video-Based Methods: A Metrological Comparison
- Interaction Between Laser Irradiation Nd:YAG (at 1064 nm) and Ultramarine Blue Pigment Interaction Between Laser Irradiation Nd:YAG (at 1064 nm) and Ultramarine Blue Pigment
- Elaboration of Self-Organized and Perforated Polymeric Thin Films for Precise Localization of Electrochemical Etching of Silicon Elaboration of Self-Organized and Perforated Polymeric Thin Films for Precise Localization of Electrochemical Etching of Silicon
- Development of Machine Learning Enabled Chatbot for Promoting Eating Habits Changes Development of Machine Learning Enabled Chatbot for Promoting Eating Habits Changes
- Development of Fibrous Systems for Environmental Applications Development of Fibrous Systems for Environmental Applications
- Development of an Innovative Lattice Boltzmann Hydraulic Model for Shallow Water Flows Development of an Innovative Lattice Boltzmann Hydraulic Model for Shallow Water Flows
- Development of a Prototype for a Smart Bracelet that Detects Falls for Multiple Sclerosis Patients using SCRUM Framework Development of a Prototype for a Smart Bracelet that Detects Falls for Multiple Sclerosis Patients using SCRUM Framework
- Conflating SCRUM with micro-Project Based Learning. An HMU Application in an IoT Device Development Conflating SCRUM with micro-Project Based Learning. An HMU Application in an IoT Device Development
- Conceptual Design of a UHPC Footbridge in the City of Villach in Southern Austria Conceptual Design of a UHPC Footbridge in the City of Villach in Southern Austria
- Bidirectional Sign Language Translation System – bookstall Bidirectional Sign Language Translation System – bookstall
- Automatic Concept Explanation for Deaf Users Automatic Concept Explanation for Deaf Users
- Application of Electronic Waste Cable Sheathing as Secondary Use Sound Insulation Application of Electronic Waste Cable Sheathing as Secondary Use Sound Insulation
- A Delphi-based Analysis to Identify Barriers and Solutions in Adoption of Electric Vehicles Sharing System A Delphi-based Analysis to Identify Barriers and Solutions in Adoption of Electric Vehicles Sharing System
- Research Activities at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences Research Activities at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
- Research Activities at the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Research Activities at the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
- Research Activities at the University of Vigo Research Activities at the University of Vigo
- Research Activities at the University of Siegen Research Activities at the University of Siegen
- Research Activities at the University of Orléans Research Activities at the University of Orléans
- Research Activities at the University of Maribor Research Activities at the University of Maribor
- Research Activities at the Polytechnic University of Porto Research Activities at the Polytechnic University of Porto
- Research Activities at the Niccolò Cusano University Research Activities at the Niccolò Cusano University
- Research Activities at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Research Activities at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
- Research Activities at the Hellenic Mediterranean University Research Activities at the Hellenic Mediterranean University