International conference Fluid Power 2021: Conference Proceedings
Ključne besede:
mednarodna konferenca, fluidna tehnika, znanost in stroka, novosti, dosežkiKratka vsebina
Mednarodna konferenca Fluidna tehnika 2021: konferenčni zbornik. Mednarodna konferenca Fluidna tehnika/Fluid Power je dvodnevni dogodek, namenjen vsem, ki se profesionalno ukvarjajo s hidravličnimi ali pnevmatičnimi napravami in pogoni ter vsem tistim, ki zelijo biti obveščeni o "najsodobnejšem stanju", novih odkritjih in novostih na področju hidravlike in pnevmatike. Vsi prispevki uvrščeni v program konference so recenzirani in zbrani v zbomiku konference. Srečanja strokovnjakov na teh konferencah v Mariboru je ze tradicija od leta 1995; organizira pa ga Fakulteta za strojništvo Univerze v Mariboru. Konference so organizirane vsako drugo leto in so najpomembnejši dogodek s področja stroke v Sloveniji in v temu delu Evrope. Letošnja konferenca poteka 16. in 17. septembra v Mariboru.
- IOT based Web application concept for monitoring and control of fluid power systems IOT based Web application concept for monitoring and control of fluid power systems
- Innovative solution of hybrid hydraulic fire wood splitting machine Innovative solution of hybrid hydraulic fire wood splitting machine
- The concept of automatic generation of hydraulic press cycle The concept of automatic generation of hydraulic press cycle
- Challenges and pitfalls of time constrained hydraulic projects Challenges and pitfalls of time constrained hydraulic projects
- Remediation of leakage of the hydraulic block presses MAC Master Remediation of leakage of the hydraulic block presses MAC Master
- Development of portable filtration unit with self-diagnostics for industrial use Development of portable filtration unit with self-diagnostics for industrial use
- Advanced approach to the maintenance of hydraulic and turbine oils Advanced approach to the maintenance of hydraulic and turbine oils
- Premium quality hydraulic oils Premium quality hydraulic oils
- Electrically tuneable viscosity of Ionic Liquids Electrically tuneable viscosity of Ionic Liquids
- Ionic liquids – the path to the first industrial application Ionic liquids – the path to the first industrial application
- Force control on direct driven servo hydraulic actuator Force control on direct driven servo hydraulic actuator
- Design and control of mechatronic systems with pneumatic and hydraulic drive Design and control of mechatronic systems with pneumatic and hydraulic drive
- Research of the influence of the operating Parameters of a mobile lift on the oscillatory processes occurring during the work operation Research of the influence of the operating Parameters of a mobile lift on the oscillatory processes occurring during the work operation
- Identification of root cause based on simulation approach Identification of root cause based on simulation approach
- Challenges of numerical modelling and simulation of flow inside the hydraulic tank Challenges of numerical modelling and simulation of flow inside the hydraulic tank
- Results of identification and optimization of the parameters of axial piston pump Results of identification and optimization of the parameters of axial piston pump
- Flow conditions inside small hydraulic tank at excessive flow rates Flow conditions inside small hydraulic tank at excessive flow rates
- Influence of differently viscous hydraulic fluid on the flow behaviour inside a hydraulic tank Influence of differently viscous hydraulic fluid on the flow behaviour inside a hydraulic tank
- Challanges in modelling and simulating hydraulic servovalve Challanges in modelling and simulating hydraulic servovalve
- Development of direct driven servo hydraulic actuator Development of direct driven servo hydraulic actuator
- Calculation and analysis hydraulic system for paint mixing machine Calculation and analysis hydraulic system for paint mixing machine
- Some special specifics of dimensioning of a hydraulic cylinder as an executive device of an electrohydraulic actuator system Some special specifics of dimensioning of a hydraulic cylinder as an executive device of an electrohydraulic actuator system
- Development of metallic 3d-printed water hydraulic proportional directional control valve Development of metallic 3d-printed water hydraulic proportional directional control valve
- Research on the water hydraulic pressure relief valve Research on the water hydraulic pressure relief valve
- Trends in pneumatics - digitalization Trends in pneumatics - digitalization
- Potential for fluid power to contribute to EU climate goal 2030 Potential for fluid power to contribute to EU climate goal 2030