New Horizons in Subject-Specific Education: Research Aspects of Subject-Specific Didactics
Ključne besede:
kvantitativne in kvalitativne metodologije, empirično osnovane raziskave, pouk, učenje, znanjeKratka vsebina
Nova obzorja v predmetno specifičnem izobraževanju: Raziskovalni vidiki predmetnih didaktik. V zadnjih treh desetletjih so se na področju predmetno specifičnega izobraževanja razvile različne raziskovalne metode. Predmetne didaktike so utrdile svoj položaj med znanostmi, seveda vsaka na svoj način in z lastnim tempom. Znanstvena monografija Nova obzorja v predmetno-specifičnem izobraževanju vsebuje celovite in poglobljene raziskave znotraj predmetnih didaktik, ki jih je napisalo več avtorjev iz Slovenije, Hrvaške, Slovaške in Češke. Monografija predstavlja za razsikovalce s tega področja pomembne nove ideje in dogajanja. Odseva tako raznolikost raziskovalnih vprašanj na tem področju kot tudi vrsto metod, ki se uporabljajo za njihovo raziskovanje. Monografija je sestavljena iz štirih tematskih delov: STEM izobraževanje, izobraževanje na področju športa in umetnosti, izobraževanje na področju družboslovja in humanistike in pedagogika. Upamo, da bo monografija prispevala nove informacije in znanja k razvijajočemu se, vendar izjemno pomembnemu področju raziskovanja.
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- Testing Motor Predispositions and Competences of Primary School Children in the Czech and Slovak Republics Testing Motor Predispositions and Competences of Primary School Children in the Czech and Slovak Republics
- Planned Mathematical Activities in Slovenian Kindergartens Planned Mathematical Activities in Slovenian Kindergartens
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- The Use of Textbooks in the Teaching-Learning Process The Use of Textbooks in the Teaching-Learning Process
- Evaluation of the Practical Pedagogical Training of Students in the Department of Geography at the Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor Evaluation of the Practical Pedagogical Training of Students in the Department of Geography at the Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor
- Methodological and Thematic Trends: A Case Study of Two Pedagogical Journals in Croatia Methodological and Thematic Trends: A Case Study of Two Pedagogical Journals in Croatia
- Models Describing Secondary-School Students’ Opinions and Attitudes Toward Mathematic Models Describing Secondary-School Students’ Opinions and Attitudes Toward Mathematic
- Do Alternative Algorithms for Two-Digit Multiplication Really Help Students to be More Efficient? Do Alternative Algorithms for Two-Digit Multiplication Really Help Students to be More Efficient?
- What Do Slovenian and Croatian Teachers Know About Mathematical Modelling? What Do Slovenian and Croatian Teachers Know About Mathematical Modelling?
- Development of Professional Vision in Art Education Video Interventions Development of Professional Vision in Art Education Video Interventions
- The Ability to Perceive Initial and Final Sounds in a Word The Ability to Perceive Initial and Final Sounds in a Word
- Completion of Mathematics Homework Completion of Mathematics Homework
- Research Boxes and Science Process Skills Research Boxes and Science Process Skills