6th FEB International Scientific Conference: Challenges in Economics and Business in the Post-COVID Times
Ključne besede:
ekonomija, management, digitalizacija, izobraževanje, pravo, covid-19Kratka vsebina
Ekonomski in poslovni izzivi po epidemiji COVID-19. Zbornik 6. mednarodne znanstvene konference organizirane na Ekonomsko-poslovni fakulteti, Univerze v Maribor, pod krovno temo »Challenges in Economics and Business in the Post Covid Times« združuje 52 prispevkov avtorjev iz 18-ih držav. Posamezni prispevki obravnavajo izbrana vprašanja vpliva epidemije COVID-19 na delovanje družbe in spremembo ekonomskega in poslovnega okolja ter delovanje družbe in organizacij v spremenjenih družbenih razmerah po epidemiji. Avtorji so v prispevkih predstavili različne vidike vpliva epidemije COVID-19 na delovanje in vedenje deležnikov družbe ter potrebne spremembe njihovega delovanja v družbenih razmerah po koncu epidemije. Prispevki predstavljajo tudi družbene izkušnje o soočanju s COVID-19 ter nudijo možne rešitve za makroekonomsko in poslovno delovanje družbe in organizacij v razmerah po epidemiji.
- Prosocial and Pro-environmental Outcomes of Higher Education in the Post-COVID World Prosocial and Pro-environmental Outcomes of Higher Education in the Post-COVID World
- Applying Sustainability Knowledge and Skills to Post-COVID Challenges Applying Sustainability Knowledge and Skills to Post-COVID Challenges
- admin, {$userGroup}, 11_kolnhofer.pdf admin, {$userGroup}, 11_kolnhofer.pdf
- admin, {$userGroup}, 13_kolacko.pdf admin, {$userGroup}, 13_kolacko.pdf
- The Challenges of Funding and Conducting Scientific Research in Post-COVID-19 Georgia (Case of the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia) The Challenges of Funding and Conducting Scientific Research in Post-COVID-19 Georgia (Case of the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia)
- Sustainable Learning and the Cultivation of Students’ Core Literacy From the Perspective of Comprehensive Learning: The Application of Multimedia in a Flipped Classroom Sustainable Learning and the Cultivation of Students’ Core Literacy From the Perspective of Comprehensive Learning: The Application of Multimedia in a Flipped Classroom
- The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Arm's Length Principle The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Arm's Length Principle
- The Views of Generation Z on Progression at Work The Views of Generation Z on Progression at Work
- Maritime Transport Cluster Development in Georgia Maritime Transport Cluster Development in Georgia
- Risk Management Approach in Macedonian Customs Risk Management Approach in Macedonian Customs
- Sustainability and Labour Law Sustainability and Labour Law
- A Systemic Risk Indicator for Leveraged Finance Exposure in the Banking System A Systemic Risk Indicator for Leveraged Finance Exposure in the Banking System
- Digitisation – an Important Tool for the Transformation of Society in Terms of Sustainable Development Digitisation – an Important Tool for the Transformation of Society in Terms of Sustainable Development
- Understanding Society 5.0 Jobs for Improving Education 4.0 – an Analysis in Python Understanding Society 5.0 Jobs for Improving Education 4.0 – an Analysis in Python
- Defining and Evaluating the Information Content of Sustainability Reports Defining and Evaluating the Information Content of Sustainability Reports
- Development Of Managers’ Emotional Skills in the Context of Post-COVID Times: Lithuanian Case Development Of Managers’ Emotional Skills in the Context of Post-COVID Times: Lithuanian Case
- Sustainability Accounting and Reporting in the Post-COVID Times Sustainability Accounting and Reporting in the Post-COVID Times
- Corporate Governance in the COVID-19-Era Through the Prism of Non-Financial Reporting Corporate Governance in the COVID-19-Era Through the Prism of Non-Financial Reporting
- A Comparative Analysis of User Experience of the Microsoft Teams, Google Meet and Moodle E-Learning Platforms A Comparative Analysis of User Experience of the Microsoft Teams, Google Meet and Moodle E-Learning Platforms
- The Contribution of Social Media on the Post-pandemic Recovery of Aviation and Tourism The Contribution of Social Media on the Post-pandemic Recovery of Aviation and Tourism
- Regulation of the Digital Market in Post-COVID Times Regulation of the Digital Market in Post-COVID Times
- The Changing Role of the State in Post-COVID Economic Life The Changing Role of the State in Post-COVID Economic Life
- The Interval Effect During the COVID-19 Pandemic – The Case of the Warsaw Stock Exchange The Interval Effect During the COVID-19 Pandemic – The Case of the Warsaw Stock Exchange
- A Comparative Study of Metamorphic Malware Detection Techniques A Comparative Study of Metamorphic Malware Detection Techniques
- Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology: Adoption of the Microsoft Teams Mobile Application Among Economic and Business Students Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology: Adoption of the Microsoft Teams Mobile Application Among Economic and Business Students
- Circular Economy - The Way to Survive in a Post-pandemic Situation Circular Economy - The Way to Survive in a Post-pandemic Situation
- The Numerous Challenges of the Post-COVID Economy The Numerous Challenges of the Post-COVID Economy
- The Challenges of Georgia’s Economic Policy in Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 9 in the COVID-19 Pandemic Period The Challenges of Georgia’s Economic Policy in Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 9 in the COVID-19 Pandemic Period
- Utility-based Resource Allocation Under Uncertainty Utility-based Resource Allocation Under Uncertainty
- Health and Safety at Work in Times of Remote Work Health and Safety at Work in Times of Remote Work
- Sustainable Procurement: The Requisite International Business Strategy Sustainable Procurement: The Requisite International Business Strategy
- Generation Z Through the Prism of Management Generation Z Through the Prism of Management
- Leadership Competency Framework for Industry 4.0 in the Post-COVID-19 Scenario Leadership Competency Framework for Industry 4.0 in the Post-COVID-19 Scenario
- Artificial Intelligence Effects on Inventory Planning of Sensitive Products Artificial Intelligence Effects on Inventory Planning of Sensitive Products
- How the Pandemic Has Impacted CSR and Employee Volunteerism in the SME Sector How the Pandemic Has Impacted CSR and Employee Volunteerism in the SME Sector
- Business Intelligence Management and its Impact on Economic Security Business Intelligence Management and its Impact on Economic Security
- Critical Success Factors of Document Management Systems Considering the Maturity of the Organisation Critical Success Factors of Document Management Systems Considering the Maturity of the Organisation
- How to Make Health Organisations More Agile During the Pandemic? Challenges of Managing Entrepreneurial Behaviour How to Make Health Organisations More Agile During the Pandemic? Challenges of Managing Entrepreneurial Behaviour
- The Impactof Home-based Work on Stressat Work and Burnout During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Slovenia The Impactof Home-based Work on Stressat Work and Burnout During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Slovenia
- The Impact of Sustainable Procurement on Doing Business The Impact of Sustainable Procurement on Doing Business
- Does it Pay Off? Tool-supported Profitability Analysis of Alternative Drive Technologies Does it Pay Off? Tool-supported Profitability Analysis of Alternative Drive Technologies
- Strengthening Guests’ Perceived Value Through Restaurants’ Innovativeness, Creativity, Sustainability and Local Features Strengthening Guests’ Perceived Value Through Restaurants’ Innovativeness, Creativity, Sustainability and Local Features
- Issues of the Implementation of ERP in Manufacturing Companies Issues of the Implementation of ERP in Manufacturing Companies
- Changes in Initial Margin and Market Liquidity During the COVID-19 Pandemic Changes in Initial Margin and Market Liquidity During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Data Mining with Python Data Mining with Python
- How to Deal with luxury and prestige Goods in Business? How to Deal with luxury and prestige Goods in Business?
- Agile Project Management as a Multi-Level Resilience Antecedent Agile Project Management as a Multi-Level Resilience Antecedent
- New Trends in Corporate Reporting in the Light of Sustainability New Trends in Corporate Reporting in the Light of Sustainability
- Cooperation of Employees and Employers in Occupational Safety and Health Management Cooperation of Employees and Employers in Occupational Safety and Health Management
- Ergonomic Arrangement of the Office Workplace Ergonomic Arrangement of the Office Workplace
- Prevention and Management of Stress Relating to Work Prevention and Management of Stress Relating to Work
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