Vedenje opazovalcev pri medvrstniškem nasilju v povezavi z njihovo moralno nezavzetostjo



The paper presents different behaviors of 8th and 9th grade students when observing peer violence in general and according to gender, and the connection of these types of behavior with moral disengagement. Data were collected using self-reporting and peer nominations at three consecutive measurements. Self-reporting by students revealed an increase in active promotion of violence and a decrease in victim advocacy during the school year. The results of peer nominations showed that in classes, on average, eight to nine percent of students actively promote violence, seven to eight percent of those passively promote it, nine to ten percent of students defend the victim, and ten to eleven percent ignore peer violence. When determining gender differences, we found that boys were significantly more likely to actively and passively promote and ignore peer violence, while girls were significantly more likely to defend victims. According to peer nominations, boys were significantly more likely to actively and passively promote peer violence, while girls were more likely to defend victims and ignore violence. Furthermore, there was a significant positive association between moral disengagement and active and passive promotion of peer violence and ignoring, and a significant negative association with defending victims. The directions of these associations were the same regardless of the data collection method, but were stronger in self-report.

Author Biographies

Sonja Pečjak, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts

Ljubljana, Slovenia. E-mail:

Tina Pirc, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts

Ljubljana, Slovenia. E-mial:



January 31, 2025


Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

How to Cite

Vedenje opazovalcev pri medvrstniškem nasilju v povezavi z njihovo moralno nezavzetostjo. (2025). In Celostni pristop k medvrstniškemu nasilju: Psihosocialni konteksti in raziskovalne strategije (pp. 77-92). University of Maribor Press.