ZORA 157: Imenitnost slovenskega jezika


Marko Jesenšek
University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts


language policy and language planning, Slovene, Article 15 of Higher Education Act on the language of education, Anglicization of Slovene higher education, learning language


ZORA 157: The Eminence of the Slovene Language. Part One of the book The Eminence of the Slovene Language offers my view on the excessive submissiveness of some in the Slovene higher education community to the global capitalist elite, which leads the Slovene higher education in the wrong direction. I am trying to prove how wrong it is for the Slovene language to be displaced by English both in university classrooms and in the scholarly publications of Slovene professors. A reflection on the necessity of Slovene as a language of education or lack of it inevitably brings us to the conclusion that Slovene as a language of education should by no means be robbed of its eminence due to a foreign language (i.e. English). Slovene is the state language of Slovenia. We cannot ignore this fact and it is crucial to understand that Slovene universities cannot function without Slovene. Financial difficulties of the Slovene higher education should not be used as an excuse for recklessly sacrificing Slovene and placing responsibility for the Anglicization of Slovene universities on so-called "internationalization". In Part Two of my book I present the attitudes of my professors and mentors (Martina Orožen, Zinka Zorko, Jože Toporišič, Jožef Smej) with regard to the Slovene language and all that defines respectful scholarly research and responsibiity to the Slovene community writ large.  


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Author Biography

Marko Jesenšek, University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts

Marko Jesenšek is a member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, an Honorary Member of the Slavic Society of Slovenia and a Professor of Slovene at the Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor. He is the author of 13 independent monographs and co-author of two. He edited 54 monographs and books of proceedings. His book The Slovene Language in the Alpine and Panonian Language Area  (Kraków: Universitas) is considered to be a valuable contribution into the world treasury of knowledge about the linguistic situation in Slovenia. He also wrote an extensive entry Prekmurje Slovene (Prekmurski jezik) for the Brill Encyclopedia ESLL (Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics), the most comprehensive reference work about Slavic languages to date. He is a co-founder and chief editor of the international journal Slavia Centralis, and the editor of the international Series Zora (157 books published in the Series so far). For his research and scientific work, he received the Zois Award for excellence in the field of the Slovene Language.

Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: marko@jesensek.si


November 29, 2024



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Date of first publication (11)


Physical Dimensions

16cm x 23cm x 2.8cm

How to Cite

(Ed.). (2024). ZORA 157: Imenitnost slovenskega jezika (Vols. 157). University of Maribor Press. https://doi.org/10.18690/um.ff.8.2024