Adolescentna medicina: 3. in 4. modul


Dušanka Mičetić Turk (ed.)
University of Maribor, Faculty of Medicine
Bernarda Vogrin (ed.)
University of Maribor, Faculty of Medicine


postgraduate education, lectures, workshops, proceedings, adolescent medicine


Adolescet medicine: 3. and 4. Module. In the third and fourth modules of Adolescent Medicine we summarized current contents which are important for physicians and other health professionals who during their work encounter adolescents and young adults. Successful integration and appropriate usage of health care system are among key factors for healthy development of adolescents. For this reason health care literacy is an important task of health care workers, health care system and the entire society. Knowledge of ethical and legal aspects of rights and responsibilities of adolescents and parents significantly contributes to safe medical treatment. Searching for gender identity and care of sexual health represent a special challenge for adolescents. Aware health professionals may, with appropriate preventive action and appropriate approach, significantly relieve adolescents of distress connected with sexual development and sexual life. Various forms of violence among young people and chemical and non-chemical addictions are a current social phenomenon. In the textbook the mechanisms, causes, consequences and various approaches to treatment and reducing the burden of addiction and violence among adolescents are represented. Preventive health care for children and adolescents has a rich tradition in Slovenia and excellent results. The organization of preventive health care for school children and adolescents and students are represented. To the readers of our publication we wish successful work with young people.


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Author Biographies

Dušanka Mičetić Turk (ed.), University of Maribor, Faculty of Medicine

Prof.emerita, dr. dr. h. c. Dušanka Mičetić-Turk, Ph.D. med., senior councilor, is the founder of pediatric gastroenterology at the Maribor Pediatric Clinic and for many years the leading pediatric gastroenterologist in Slovenia. She trained professionally at pediatric clinics in Belgrade, Zagreb, Leiden, A msterdam, G raz, L ondon a nd N ew Y ork. I n parallel w ith h er c linical w ork, s he w as very intensively involved in research in the field of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, as well as probiotics and intestinal microbiota. From 1997 to 2007, she was the dean of the College of Health Sciences, which under her leadership was transformed into the Faculty of Health Sciences in 2003. Since the establishment of the UM MF, she is the head of the Department of Pediatrics and since 2018 she is acting as Vice Dean for Dental Medicine. She is the founder and head of the Institute for Adolescent Medicine and Preventive Pediatrics of the MF UM.

Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail:

Bernarda Vogrin (ed.), University of Maribor, Faculty of Medicine

Bernarda Vogrin PhD; is a specialist in paediatrics, employed at the Pedenjped Outpatient Clinic for children and schoolchildren in Lenart, Slovenske Gorice, and at the Faculty of Medicine, Maribor. The focus of her research and clinical work is preventive health care for children and adolescents. She is particularly interested in the early detection and prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases with an emphasis on the prevention of obesity and cardiovascular diseases. Actively cooperates with the National Institute of Public Health in the creation of national guidelines for the implementation of preventive health care for children and adolescents. She is active in the European Association for School and University Medicine and Health (EUSUHM). She is a member of the Multidisciplinary Committee for Adolescent Medicine at UEMS. She completed the international school of adolescent medicine in Switzerland. She is the co-founder of the Institute for Adolescent Medicine and Preventive Pediatrics, MFMB.

Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail:


August 26, 2024

Details about the available publication format: Softback (free)

Softback (free)

ISBN-13 (15)



Date of first publication (11)


Physical Dimensions

19.5cm x 26.5cm x 0.6cm

How to Cite

Adolescentna medicina: 3. in 4. modul. (2024). University of Maribor Press.