Dinamika masnih sistemov


Boštjan Harl
University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Marko Kegl
University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Timi Karner
University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering


rigid body, kinematics, dynamics, mechanical vibrations, analytical mechanics, virtual work, Lagrangian approach


Dynamics of Mass Systems. This textbook deals with the dynamics of rigid-body mass systems. In the context of kinematics, the description of spatial motion in different coordinate systems is presented, as well as the rotation matrix and its parametrization, and Euler angles. This is followed by dynamics and a demonstration of the law of the rigid body momentum and rotational quantity. In the context of mechanical vibrations, the intrinsic and forced vibrations of single and multi-degree-of-freedom systems are discussed. The textbook concludes with an area of analytical mechanics, which includes the presentation of generalised coordinates, virtual work and generalised forces. Newton-Euler, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian approaches to the formulation of the equations of motion of systems and their numerical solution are presented.


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Author Biographies

Boštjan Harl, University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Boštjan Harl holds a PhD from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor. Before joining the Faculty, he worked for several years in the automotive industry. He is involved in teaching and research in the field of mechanics in the context of mechanical engineering. His research interests include the design and topological optimisation of mechanical systems.

Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: bostjan.harl@um.si

Marko Kegl, University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Profesor Marko Kegl je doktoriral na Fakulteti za strojništvo Univerze v Mariboru. Ukvarja se s poučevanjem in raziskavami s področja numerične mehanike v okviru strojništva. Raziskovalno delo je osredotočeno na optimizacijo raznih časovno odvisnih problemov ter klasično, oblikovno in topološko optimizacijo statično obremenjenih konstrukcij. Eno leto podoktorskih raziskav je opravil na Tehniški univerzi Braunschweig v Nemčiji v okviru štipendije fundacije Alexander von Humboldt.

Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: marko.kegl@um.si

Timi Karner, University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Sem Timi Karner, zaposlen na Fakulteti za strojništvo, Univerze v Mariboru, kjer predavam predmete Robotizacija, Industrijska robotika, Gibalni mehanizmi, Tehniška mehanika za mehatronike ter Dinamika masnih sistemov. Pri predmetu Dinamika masnih sistemov si predavanja deliva skupaj s prof. dr. Markom Keglom s katerim sva tudi nosilca predmeta. Moj del se nanaša predvsem na analitično mehaniko, torej uporaba posplošenih koordinat, posplošenih sil, virtualnega dela ter Lagrangevih enačb za pridobivanje gibalnih enačb sistema teles. Raziskovalno se ukvarjam z mehkimi aktuatorji, principi pridobivanja gibalnih enačb mehkih aktuatorjev s pomočjo lomljenih odvodov, principi vodenja mehkih aktuatorjev in s principi aktivacije mehkih aktuatorjev. 

Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: timi.karner@um.si


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March 11, 2024

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