Exercises in Travel Writing and Literary Tourism: A Teaching and Learning Experiment


Jasna Potočnik Topler (ed.)
University of Maribor, Faculty of Tourism


Travel Writing, Literary Tourism, branding, teaching, learning, English language


The book entitled »Exercises in Travel Writing and Literary Tourism – A Teaching and Learning Experiment« emerged as a result of experimental project work in teaching English during the subject English in Tourism – Higher Level 1 at the Faculty of Tourism in Brežice, University of Maribor. This approach included teaching in the classroom, research in libraries and at home, and field work. The collection brings eight very different texts on Travel Writing and Literary Tourism by Master's students of Tourism, who were free in choosing the topic of the texts, their styles and the titles . The field of Travel Writing is significant, not only as its own discourse, a tourism trend and a tool of branding and embedding attractions and/or destinations, but also as a tool of teaching and learning a foreign language, which, along with upgrading specific language knowledge, encourages curiosity, research, creativity, reflection and self-development.


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Author Biography

Jasna Potočnik Topler (ed.), University of Maribor, Faculty of Tourism

Brežice, Slovenia. E-mail: jasna.potocnik1@um.si



October 29, 2020

Details about the available publication format: PDF


DOI (06)


ISBN-13 (15)



Date of first publication (11)


How to Cite

Exercises in Travel Writing and Literary Tourism: A Teaching and Learning Experiment. (2020). University of Maribor Press. https://press.um.si/index.php/ump/catalog/book/506