Ljudje v turizmu: Izbrana poglavja iz managementa človeških virov v turizmu


Mitja Gorenak
University of Maribor, Faculty of Tourism


Human Resources Management, Tourism, Leadership, Organization


People in Tourism: Selected Chapters from Human Resources Management in Tourism. Human Resource Management is a complex mix of activities that managers must perform in order to optimize the performance of the entire organization. In the case of an organization in the service sector, which includes tourism, matters are even more complicated, as success depends on the direct satisfaction of the customer. The book intertwines chapters related to the field of management, as well as more sociologically and psychologically colored topics. Thus, we begin the book with a chapter on the values ​​of the individual, from which the values ​​of the organization later follow. Both topics are inextricably linked to the rest, as they represent the foundation of the work of the individual and any organization. The chapters on organizational culture and social responsibility follow, which demonstrates the so-called "modus operandi" of the organization. The following are the chapters on competencies, management, and performance appraisal, which talk about the relationship between the individual and the organization. The book is concluded with three chapters, mainly related to the current operational requirements in the organization, namely the chapters on commitment, motivation, and intergenerational management in the organization.


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Author Biography

Mitja Gorenak, University of Maribor, Faculty of Tourism

Mitja Gorenak got his Ph.D. in the area of human resources management from Faculty of organizational sciences, University of Maribor, he works for Faculty of Tourism, University of Maribor and also as an independent consulting practitioner, devoting his time to research in the area of human resources; he specializes in human resources in tourism sector with special interest in values, competencies and ethical conduct of individuals. For several years he has cooperated with various organizations in tourism sector helping them in the area of human resources. He is also a licenced tour guide in Slovenia.

Brežice, Slovenia. E-mail: mitja.gorenak@um.si



August 31, 2020

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


DOI (06)



Date of first publication (11)


How to Cite

Ljudje v turizmu: Izbrana poglavja iz managementa človeških virov v turizmu. (2020). University of Maribor Press. https://press.um.si/index.php/ump/catalog/book/491