Multiplikativni učinki športa na mlade, ki se vključujejo v športne aktivnosti


Miha Marič
University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Robert Leskovar
University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Patrik Arh
University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Nejc Donaval
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sports
Tinkara Kozovinc
Alma Mater Europaea
Sara Kremsar
University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Manca Kutnjak
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sports
Katja Marolt
University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Katja Pintarič
University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Monika Ribič
University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Aljaž Šenica
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sports
Tine Šket
Alma Mater Europaea
Janez Dekleva
International Institute for Knowledge Transfer
Ana Lambić
University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Goran Vukovič
University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences


management, sport, humans resource management, business process management, information systems, organization, kieziology, kineziology


Multiplicative Effects of Sport on Young People Involved in Sports Activities. Through a critical review of secondary literature sources, the involved experts prepared through mutual acquaintance, search for specific competencies of individuals and combining knowledge a synthesis of the field of sport among young people and the identification of multiplicative effects of sport on young people involved in sports activities. The cooperation was supported throughout the time by the Škofja Loka Sports Institute, which acts as a partner and on the basis of which a case study was built. During the research, through interviews and validation of experts (coaches, current and former athletes), a qualitative research was conducted on the quality of the findings and the proposed curriculums for the implementation of planned  activities. An  information  solution on the Moodle platform has also been prepared.


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Author Biographies

Miha Marič, University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences

Miha Marič, Ph.D., is a researcher in the area of leadership, management, and organizational sciences. He is currently employed as an assistant professor at the University of Maribor’s Faculty of Organizational Sciences and has a Ph.D. from the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. His research interests are power, leadership, organizational behaviour, HRM, management, organization. As author or co-author, he has published original scientific articles, professional articles, scientific conference contributions, chapters in monographs and co-authored a scientific monograph, and been an editor and reviewer. He has also participated in research projects and consulting work.

Kranj, Slovenia. E-mail:

Robert Leskovar, University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences

Dr. Robert Leskovar je doktoriral iz organizacijskih znanosti na Univerzi v Mariboru. Je redni profesor za področje informatike na Univerzi v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede. Njegovo raziskovalno delo zajema modeliranje in simulacijo sistemov, potrjevanje modelov, večkriterijsko odločanje in razvojne metode IS. 

Kranj, Slovenia, E-mail:

Patrik Arh, University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences

Patrik Arh, University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences Patrik Arh is an undergraduate student at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences in the field of Organization and Management of Information Systems. He gained his sport-related experiences throughout years of professional Rock and Roll dance career. Patrik is active as a student tutor and demonstrator at the faculty. His free time activities include photography, videography, and entrepreneurship.

Kranj, Slovenia. E-mail:

Nejc Donaval, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sports

Nejc Donaval is a second year student of the undergraduate study of physical education at the Faculty of sport at the University of Ljubljana. He began his career in rowing in 2011 at the Rowing Club Argo Izola. Between the years 2014 and 2017 he has achieved numerous results at the international level, perhaps the two most notable being competing at the 2016 junior rowing world championships and the 2017 under 23 european rowing championships as part of the Slovenian national rowing team. He organised the summer rowing school in 2018 and 2019 at the Rowing club Argo Izola, and during his time as a student, began working as a coach for younger athetes at the Ljubljanica rowing club in Ljubljana. Nejc is currently the president of the student council of the Faculty of sport, as well as a member of a number of boards, be it at the faculty level or at the university level. He assists with tests performed on elite athletes at the faculty and is the coordinator of the student tutor group.

Ljubljana, Slovenia. E-mail:

Tinkara Kozovinc, Alma Mater Europaea

Tinkara Kozovinc je po končani Srednji zdravstveni šoli Celje nadaljevala izobraževanje na Alma Mater Eurpaea v Mariboru, kjer študira dodiplomski program Fizioterapije. Pri 3 letih se je pričela ukvarjati s sodobnim plesom in baletom, katerega je trenirala desetletje. V svoji mladosti se je ukvarjali tudi z mnogimi drugimi športi. Sedaj je njena športna aktivnost usmerjena v prostočasne aktivnosti kot je pohodništvo in fitnes.  

Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail:

Sara Kremsar, University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences

Sara Kremsar, University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences Sara Kremsar is a student at the University of Maribor and is currently completing a master's degree in Business Systems Engineering at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences. She has been attending the mentioned faculty since 2016, where she first encountered the process aspect of organizations when she began her study path in the undergraduate program Organization and Management of Business and Work Systems. Since then, she has been involved in activities within the faculty and is currently a member of the Student Council of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences. In addition to her studies, she collaborates with several companies and takes on different roles in different areas of organizational science, in several different organizations, where she helps companies to transform processes and guide them on the path to their optimum success.

Kranj, Slovenia. E-mail:

Manca Kutnjak, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sports

Manca Kutnjak is a student of the University of Ljubljana, currently attending her second year in the undergraduate Sports training studies. In her childhood she practiced many sports, but later decided to devote herself to football. Between 2013 and 2019 she achieved her highest results playing for the Krim football club and the slovenian women's national team. When she began her studies she also began her career as a coach. She won the national cup championship with her U13 girls team in her first year. As of today, she is working in 3 different football schools where she is teaching kids between 4 and 10 years old. She also actively participates in many promotional events organised by the Slovenian football association and the Slovenian olympic comitee. Manca is also the vicepresident of the student council of the faculty of sports. In addition she also works as part of the promotional group of the faculty of sports, assists with sports tests and measurements for elite athletes and is a part of many faculty comitees.

Ljubljana, Slovenia. E-mail:

Katja Marolt, University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences

Katja Marolt is a professional athlete in cross-country skiing. Katja is multiple national champion and she has participated in the biggest competitions in various sports. Katja is also a student of Management and Organization of Information Systems at the University of Maribor. In her free time, she researches various topics in the field of psychology, programming, and connecting various fields with informatics.

Kranj, Slovenia. E-mail:

Katja Pintarič, University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences

Katja Pintarič graduated from The secondary school for nursing Ljubljana in 2016. Currently she is undergraduate student of Organization and Management of Human Resources and Education Systems at University of Maribor. She is also active in Student council of Faculty of Organizational Sciences. During primary school she was training tennis and was part of hip hop dance group in dance school Bolero. She performed in dance shows at school festivals and also participated in regional and state competitions, where she won many rewards.  Big part of her free time, she spends actively participating in scout association Rod Rožnik, where she is a member of the board. As a scout she is also a leader of a group of 10 children since 2013. They have weekly meetings, attend scout competitions together and have annual summer camp. As a leader she tries to encourage children to appreciate nature, learn to lead a healthy lifestyle and through activities, shows them, how to build confidence, initiative and independence.

Kranj, Slovenia. E-mail:

Monika Ribič, University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences

Monika Ribič, University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences Monika Ribič is a student at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, where she is completing her postgraduate studies, program Organization and Management of Human Resources and Education Systems. She gained her sports knowledge by playing table tennis in primary school and later worked for many years as a volunteer for the Ice Hockey Federation of Slovenia and hockey team HDD Tilia Olimpija. She is also active during her studies, where she is involved in the demonstrating system at the faculty, leads the tutoring team and participates in various research projects.

Kranj, Slovenia. E-mail:

Aljaž Šenica, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sports

Aljaž Šenica was born on 26th of September, 1998. He visited primary school Kolezija in Ljubljana and began playing tennis at Max tennis club. He also trained gymnastics, played violin and enjoyed his free time playing other sports. He continued his education on high school Gimnazija Šiška. In year 2017 he retired from tennis competitions and began coaching tennis. In the same year, he started studying at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, where he is completing his undergraduate studies, program Kinesiology. His current wishes are to become Master of Kinesology and to become tennis and strength and conditioning coach.

Ljubljana, Slovenia. E-mail:

Tine Šket, Alma Mater Europaea

Tine Šket is physiotherapy student from Alma Mater Europaea faculty in Maribor. His sports path began in his early childhood years when he started training judo at 6 years old. Later he played football in NK Slovenska Bistrica for 4 years and then 6 years basketball in KK Slovenska Bistrica and KK Maribor. He participated in many sports events during his primary and high school years. He also does a lot of alpine skiing during the season for which he completed multiple courses and training camps. Today he recreationally does weightlifting and powerlifting.

Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta:

Janez Dekleva, International Institute for Knowledge Transfer

Janez Dekleva, univerzitetni diplomirani organizator, z več kot 34 letne bogate izkušnje so na področju vodenja, strateškega načrtovanja in vodenja projektov, od tega 25 let na vodstvenih pozicijah tako v zasebnem kot javnem sektorju. Zaposlen je bil v Mednarodnem podjetju Slovenijales, Gospodarski zbornici Slovenije kot vodja izobraževanja in direktor Centra za poslovno usposabljanje pri Gospodarski zbornici Slovenije. Danes je zaposlen v Mednarodnem centru za prenos znanja v Ljubljani, ki je ena izmed vodilnih izobraževalnih organizacij na področju poslovnega in strokovnega izobraževanja v Sloveniji. Je habilitiran višješolski predavatelj za področje organizacije poslovanja in sodeluje v razvojnih projektih v državah EU in bivše Jugoslavije.  

Ljubljana, Slovenia. E-mail:

Ana Lambić, University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences

Ana Lambić, University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences Ana Lambić is an independent researcher in the field of human resource management. She attained her bachelor’s degree at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences in the field of Organization and Management of Human Resources and Educational Systems. Currently, she is finishing her master’s degree at the same faculty. Her main interests are human resource management, teamwork, education, and leadership.

Kranj, Slovenia. E-mail:

Goran Vukovič, University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences

Dr. Vukovič is an employee of the Faculty of Organisational Sciences at the University of Maribor.  He is a senior university teacher in the area of human resources and is a senior university teacher in the area of marketing . He also has more than fifteen years of work experience in the area of functional education and consultancy. Dr. Vukovič is a consultant in the areas of human resources and organisation in the profit and non-profit sectors of the economy. Furthermore, he is the author of many authentic scientific papers, co-author of many books, editor, critic, member of the editorial board for the journal »Organizacija« and member of the editorial council for the journal »Iskanja«.

Kranj, Slovenia. E-mail:



June 30, 2020

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


DOI (06)



Date of first publication (11)


How to Cite

Multiplikativni učinki športa na mlade, ki se vključujejo v športne aktivnosti. (2020). University of Maribor Press.