Zbornik povzetkov / 19. dnevi varstvoslovja, Ankaran, 6. in 7. junij 2018
Days of Criminal Justice and Security, criminal justice and security, safety, traffic safety, corporate security, private detectives, policing, criminal justice, criminology, criminal investigation, information securitySynopsis
Book of Abstracts / 19th Days of security science, Ankaran, 6th -7th of June, 2018. This year’s main topic of the 19th Days of criminal justice and security, the nationalconference in the field of security, is challenges of ensuring traffic safety. The conference proceedings include abstracts of five round tables, eleven thematic sections, and abstracts of the 2nd Slovenian Private Detectives Days. Papers address a wide range of issues relating to the national security system, criminal justice, and other areas of safety and security. In addition to traditional criminal justice topics, the program includes subjects that have recently become particularly relevant in security field: challenges of ensuring traffic safety, protection against natural and other disasters on Slovenian sea and on the coast, identifying and preventing radicalization, police detention, corporate security in complex systems; as well as current issues and challenges in policing, criminal investigation, information security, private security, and private detective services.