Managing Innovation in the Modern Business Environment


Luka Šebalj
Univerza Jurja Dobrile v Pulju
Rozana Veselica Celić
Univerza Jurja Dobrile v Pulju

Kratka vsebina

The evolution of digital communication tools has significantly transformed interactions within organizations, fostering innovation and redefining management practices in modern business contexts. This research examines the adoption, challenges, and opportunities of digital communication tools, emphasizing their role in enhancing productivity, global connectivity, and interpersonal relationships. A survey conducted among students and professionals revealed high adoption rates of digital tools. Respondents identified key benefits, including speed, efficiency, and accessibility, while also highlighting concerns regarding security, privacy, and technical reliability. These findings emphasize the necessity for innovative management strategies to optimize the selection and integration of digital tools, addressing both functional and security challenges. By effectively navigating these complexities, organizations can leverage digital tools to foster innovation, streamline operations, and enhance collaboration. This study provides valuable insights into the intersection of innovation and management, guiding strategic decisions and future research initiatives.

Biografije avtorja

Luka Šebalj, Univerza Jurja Dobrile v Pulju

Luka Šebalj je študent Univerze Jurja Dobrile v Pulju, kjer nadaljuje študij računalništva na Tehniški fakulteti. Zelo je predan študiju in izkazuje veliko zanimanje za tehnologijo in tehnične discipline. Ker se aktivno ukvarja s svojim delom, se pogosto udeležuje dogodkov, povezanih s področjem njegovega zanimanja. Njegov pristop odlikuje profesionalnost in visoka stopnja odgovornosti pri opravljanju nalog in izpolnjevanju obveznosti.

Pula, Hrvaška. E-pošta:

Rozana Veselica Celić, Univerza Jurja Dobrile v Pulju

Rozana Veselica Celić is an Assistant Professor at the Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, where she also works in the Office for Artificial Intelligence, Digitalization, Technology Transfer, and Entrepreneurship. Her professional activities include active participation in EU-funded projects and fostering international collaborations. Her research focuses on innovation, management, and entrepreneurship, contributing to the development of these fields through both academic and applied perspectives.

Pula, Hrvaška. E-pošta:




Kako citirati

(Ed.). (2025). Managing Innovation in the Modern Business Environment. In 44th International Conference on Organizational Science Development: Human Being, Artificial Intelligence and Organization, Conference Proceedings (Vols. 44, pp. 867-878). Univerzitetna založba Univerze v Mariboru.