Družinska medicina


Igor Švab (ed.)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine
Zalika Klemenc Ketiš (ed.)
University of Maribor, Faculty of Medicine
Vesna Homar (ed.)
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine


family medicine, problem-based learning, primary health care, comprehensive care, person-centred care


Family Medicine. This textbook of family medicine is a crucial resource for healthcare practitioners who are responsible for providing primary care services. The importance of a textbook of family medicine lies in its ability to provide evidence-based information that can be used to guide clinical decision-making and improve patient outcomes. One of the key features of this textbook of family medicine that sets it apart from other medical textbooks is its focus on clinical cases. This means that the textbook is structured around real-life patient scenarios that highlight the complex and multifaceted nature of primary care. By presenting cases that illustrate the various challenges and considerations involved in providing primary care services, a textbook of family medicine can help healthcare practitioners develop the skills and knowledge they need to provide effective, patient-centered care.


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Author Biographies

Igor Švab (ed.), University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine

Igor Švab, Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, bom 16.9. 1957 in Ljubljana. He graduated from the in 1981. Masters in 1988, PhD in 1991 at the University of Ljubljana. Worked in a rural health centre, the National Institute of Public Health and later at faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana. He worked in held many international positions in family medicine. He was president of the European association of family physicians Wonca Europe 2004-201 O. First Head of the Department of Family Medicine and current dean of the medical faculty. Editor-in-chief of the journal Slovenian Journal of Public Health. Member of Slovenian and Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences, member of European Academy of Sciences and arts, honorary member of the Royal College of general Practitioners (UK) and recipient of the title of Wonca World fellow.

Ljubljana, Slovenia. E-mail: igor.svab@mf.uni-lj.si

Zalika Klemenc Ketiš (ed.), University of Maribor, Faculty of Medicine

Zalika Klemenc Ketiš is a family medicine physician employed at the Ljubljana Community Health care Centre, where she also heads the Institute for Research and Development of Primary Care (IRROZ). She is a full professor of family medicine at the Medica! Faculty of the University of Maribor, where she is a head of the Department of Family Medicine. She was the President of the European Association for Quality and Safety in Family Medicine (EQuiP), she is a member of the Executive Board of the European Association of Family Physicians (WONCA Europe), currently acting as Honorary Treasurer. She is an international expert in the field of family medicine and quality of work, and an active researcher, mainly in the fields of quality and safety in family medicine, education, and new technologies.

Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: zalika.klemenc@um.si

Vesna Homar (ed.), University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine

Vesna Homar is a specialist in family and emergency medicine. She graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Her special interest is medical education. She is an active trainer of family medicine students and trainees. She is the Slovenian national representative in EURACT (European Academy of teachers in general practice/family medicine) since 2017 and Slovenian national representative in EurOOHNet (European Out of Hours research network) since 2016. She is the vice-president of Primary Healthcare board at the Slovenian medical chamber since 2017 and a member of Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, studies committee since 2018. She is currently working at Primary healthcare center Vrhnika, Slovenia. She has been in charge of organizing the Janko Kersnik EURACT Bled Course since 2016. 

Ljubljana, Slovenia. E-mail: vesna.homar@mf.uni-lj.si


August 14, 2024

Details about the available publication format: Softback (in print)

Softback (in print)

ISBN-13 (15)


THEMA Subject Codes (93)



Date of first publication (11)


Physical Dimensions

16.5cm x 23.5cm x 4cm