Regulatory Aspects of Servitisation: Study Materials for Global Law Course


Janja Hojnik
University of Maribor, Faculty of Law


servitisation, digitalisation, circular economy, sharing economy, platforms, extended producer's responsibility, ecodesign, consumer protection, EU


This course material was prepared as a support for a lectures series under Global Law Programme organised by the Catholic University Leuven (Belgium), Faculty of Law and Criminology. The course dealt with EU regulatory challenges arising from the servitisation of manufacturing and the related sustainability and digitalisation process in the EU economy. Servitisation is a complex interdisciplinary concept that essentially stands for bringing together products and services. Servitization as an economic megatrend reflects consumers’ oriented business models, offering not just products to the buyers, but solutions to their problems. This solution offering is enhanced by digitalisation of the economy that makes the relationship between product-service providers and their customers easier to maintain due to various mechanisms of distant communication and monitoring. Moreover, servitisation is at the centre of the endeavours to establish a more sustainable circular economy. Adding services to products can prolong their consumption time, decrease the amount of materials needed for certain effect and improve waste management. Increasingly, however, it is clear that servitisation is not just related to environmental sustainability, but social as well. These services often require people to be performed and digital applications tend to decrease their rights as workers to the benefit of the owners of these applications.


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Author Biography

Janja Hojnik, University of Maribor, Faculty of Law

Janja Hojnik is Doctor of Juridical Science with diplomas in law and economics, Full Law Professor of the University of Maribor, Faculty of Law (Slovenia) and Jean Monnet Chair Professor of EU Law. Advisory Board member of the Common Market Law Review (Leiden University). Vice-Dean for Research (2023-2027). Before that Vice-Rector of University of Maribor for Quality, HR and Legal Affairs (2018-2022), Vice-Dean for Research and International Relations (2015-2018) and Head of Doctoral Programme (2016-2018) at Faculty of Law UM. Teaching and researching in the field of EU Law (internal market, price regulation, international trade, digital economy). Up to date holder of three Jean Monnet projects of the European Commission, most recently a Jean Monnet Chair on EU law aspects of smart and sharing economy. Visiting lecturer at Universities of Ljubljana, Leuven, Vienna, University of Oxford, Sciences Po (Paris), University of Trieste, Charles University (Prague), University of Sarajevo, Kingston University (London), Luxembourg University, Karel Franzens University (Graz), Central European University (Budapest), Edinburgh Napier University etc. Member of a group of authors preparing a commentary on the Treaty on Functioning of the EU for Springer Publishing (eds. Blanke/Mangiameli), responsible for provisions on free movement of goods.

Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail:



— Updated on February 1, 2024


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Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)



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Date of first publication (11)


How to Cite

Regulatory Aspects of Servitisation: Study Materials for Global Law Course. (2024). University of Maribor Press.