Filmski turizem in turizem popularne kulture


Maja Turnšek
University of Maribor, Faculty of Tourism


film tourism, popular culture tourism, destination image, destination management, storytelling in tourism


Film Tourism and Popculture Tourism.The monograph critically reflects on current research in film tourism and popular culture tourism. Simplified, we can distinguish amongst four main approaches to researching these phenomena according to their central research question, reflecting the differences in theories and research methods applied: (a) What effects do the media have for tourists? (b) How do the (potential) tourists use films and popular culture? (c) What is the active role of film tourism destinations in relation to pop culture industry and tourists? And finally (d) How to analyse the complex interdependence between media, tourists, and the destination? Through an in-depth analysis of the approaches and related plethora of theories, the author reflects on the blind spots in the current research and theoretical imagination of film tourism. Throughout the monograph, she defends the thesis that local tourism communities are not only passive and powerless recipients of media content, but active co-creators in the place-making processes. The analysis of film tourism and popular culture tourism must thus necessarily include the social construction of space and the active role of destination management in this process.


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Author Biography

Maja Turnšek, University of Maribor, Faculty of Tourism

Assoc. prof. Maja Turnšek, Phd is currently working as the Vice Dean for Research at the Faculty of Tourism,
University of Maribor. After having finished her PhD in Media and communications in 2011 (Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, supervisors: Prof. Slavko Splichal and Prof. Nicholas Jankowski) she started her career path in tourism studies where she covers the fields of media and tourism. Her research interests include psychology of communication in tourism, political economy of new media in tourism, and the intersection of communication, tourism, and climate change.

Brežice, Slovenia. E-mail:


January 19, 2022

Details about the available publication format: PDF


ISBN-13 (15)



THEMA Subject Codes (93)


Date of first publication (11)


Details about the available publication format: Hardback (Free)

Hardback (Free)


ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)


Physical Dimensions

16.5cm x 23.5cm x 1.2cm

How to Cite

Filmski turizem in turizem popularne kulture. (2022). University of Maribor Press.