Slovene Immigrants and their Descendants in North America: Faces of Identity


Nada Šabec
University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts


Slovene-English language contact, ethnic and cultural identity, language maintenance and shift, immigrant narraratives, Slovene Americans, Slovene Canadians


The monograph consists of two complementary parts: the first presents the author's research on Slovene American and Canadian communities, the second narratives by the immigrants and their descendants themselves. Language use and attitudes of Slovene Americans and Canadians as well as the relationship between their sense of ethnic identity and the degree of mother tongue maintenance is examined. A rapid shift from Slovene to English is observed across generations. Language choice both on individual and community levels is  explained within the Communication Accommodation theory (Giles and Ogay 2007).  Despite the relatively high symbolic value that the participants attribute to Slovene, it is not central to their ethnicity. The most important ethnic identification factor is culture in its broadest sense (from customs to sense of belonging). The majority feels more bicultural than bilingual, American and Canadian, but also Slovene, which they perceive as a source of pride and an enrichment of their lives.


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Author Biography

Nada Šabec, University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts

Dr. Nada Šabec is a Professor of linguistics at the Department of English and American Studies at the Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, Slovenia. She has been a two-time recipient of the Fulbright grant (University of Pennsylvania, Georgetown University), an Honorary fellow at the University of Minnesota, a visiting professor at universities in Cleveland, Toronto, and Vancouver and has given guest lectures at universities in Europe (Oxford, Basel, Graz, Bielsko Biała), North America, Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong.

She is the author of a pioneering book Half pa pu: The Language of Slovene Americans, a co-autor of Across Cultures: Slovene-British-American Intercultural Communication, editor of  English Language, Literature and Culture in a Global Context and has published in journals such as The International Journal of the Sociology of Language.

Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail:


November 24, 2021


Details about the available publication format: Softback 19,00 EUR

Softback 19,00 EUR


ISBN-13 (15)


THEMA Subject Codes (93)


Date of first publication (11)


Physical Dimensions

17cm x 23cm x 2.4cm

How to Cite

(Ed.). (2021). Slovene Immigrants and their Descendants in North America: Faces of Identity (Vols. 144). University of Maribor Press.