Prebivalstvo Maribora: razvoj in demografske značilnosti
Maribor, Slovenia, population, demografsko pasivna območja, birth rate, natural increase, migration increment, suburbanization, depopulation, age structure, aging population, sexual composition, femininity index, educational structure, active population, demographic passice areasSynopsis
Population of Maribor: development and demographic characteristics. The monograph deals with the development of the population in the city of Maribor after 1961. Rapid growth in the 1960s was followed by stagnation in the 1980s, followed by depopulation in the 1990s, which was associated with a major economic crisis and an accelerated process of suburbanization. Given the trends in the natural and migration movement of the population (the natural increase in the city has been constantly negative since 1985, the migration increment between 1992 and 2007 and contributed decisively to depopulation) and the intensive aging of the population, a further reduction in the number inhabitants in the city. Maribor among the largest Slovene cities shows the most unfavorable age structure with the highest share of the old population and the highest index of aging, and according to the latest census, it also lags behind the share of the population with tertiary education, although it is the second largest university city in Slovenia. Due to the influence of various social and economic factors, demographic conditions vary according to individual parts of the city. A detailed analysis shows the situation of 38 former local communities and 11 current urban districts and indicates a significant interdependence between demographic trends and the development of functions, the type and period of the construction of individual parts of the city, the quality of the living environment and the degree of availability of public goods. On this basis, demographically vital and passive areas in the city were defined.