Sledenje onesnaženja s cinkom v ekosistemu vinograda


Vesna Bukovac
University of Maribor, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Mateja Muršec
University of Maribor, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences


cink, fitofarmacevtska sredstva, onesnaženje tal, trajnostno kmetijstvo


Follow-up of Zinc Pollution in the Vineyard Ecosystem. In the monograph, the problem of tracing heavy metal - a zinc, which is introduced in the ecosystem of the vineyard through the use of organometallic plant protection products - is presented in a sufficient and necessary way. Zinc is an integral part of the active component of Antracol, which is widely used in viticulture as a contact fungicide. The study confirms that the increased zinc content in vineyard soil is mainly due to the long-term use of organometallic plant protection products. By focusing on the problem of soil in the vineyard, the sensitivity of the balance in the anthropogenic modified ecosystem, the zinc chemistry in the soil, and, last but not least, the guidelines for the restoration of contaminated soils, the monograph contains a comprehensive perspective on the topic under consideration. The results of the research are compared with the findings of researchers in the world, therefore the presented knowledge is very topical. Knowing about the natural circulation of the substances introduced into the soil and transferring them into the food chain, the content of the monograph aims to address the reputed auditorium on the importance of tracking pollution in the environment and the urgent need for immediate action.


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Author Biographies

Vesna Bukovac, University of Maribor, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Hoče, Slovenia. E-mail:

Mateja Muršec, University of Maribor, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Hoče, Slovenia. E-mail:


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May 30, 2017

Details about this monograph

DOI (06)


ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)


Physical Dimensions

16cm x 23cm x 0,6cm

How to Cite

Sledenje onesnaženja s cinkom v ekosistemu vinograda. (2017). University of Maribor Press.