8th FEB International Scientific Conference: Challenges in the Turbulent Economic Environment and Organizations’ Sustainable Development
Ključne besede:
trajnost, ekonomsko okolje, trajnostni razvoj, poslovni izzivi, konkurenčnost, turbolentno okoljeKratka vsebina
8. mednarodna znanstvena konferenca: Izzivi v turbulentnem gospodarskem okolju in trajnostni razvoj organizacij. Zbornik 8. mednarodne znanstvene konference, v organizaciji Ekonomsko-poslovne fakultete, Univerze v Mariboru, z naslovom »Challenges in the turbulent economic environment and organizations’ sustainable development« predstavlja raziskave in ugotovitve glede izzivov, s katerimi se soočajo podjetja in druge organizacije v nepredvidljivem gospodarskem okolju, ter prizadevanja za trajnostni razvoj le-teh. Priznani Evropski avtorji obravnavajo vplive globalnih ekonomskih nihanj na delovanje in poslovanje podjetij in drugih organizacij ter poudarjajo pomen prilagodljivosti in inovativnosti le-teh pri spopadanju s temi izzivi. Poleg tega avtorji poudarjajo tudi pomen trajnostnega razvoja kot ključnega dejavnika za dolgoročni uspeh podjetij ter predstavljajo strategije za njegovo učinkovito izvajanje. Skozi analize primerov in študije primerov avtorji razkrivajo ključne dejavnike, ki vplivajo na uspeh podjetij in drugih organizacij v turbulentnem gospodarskem okolju, ter ponujajo smernice za oblikovanje odzivnih in trajnostno usmerjenih poslovnih modelov.

- Navigating Green Consumer Behavior: Insights from Slovenian Consumers on Environmentally Sustainable Product Purchase Intention Navigating Green Consumer Behavior: Insights from Slovenian Consumers on Environmentally Sustainable Product Purchase Intention
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- Possible Applications of Modern Technologies to Reduce Disruption on the Railway Network Possible Applications of Modern Technologies to Reduce Disruption on the Railway Network
- Creating a More Accurate Model - Options to Reduce the Use of Materials in Tramway Track Structures Creating a More Accurate Model - Options to Reduce the Use of Materials in Tramway Track Structures
- Integration of the Secap Method in Sustainable Brownfield Rehabilitation Planning Integration of the Secap Method in Sustainable Brownfield Rehabilitation Planning
- Business – NGO Partnerships in Hungary: A Longitudinal Study Business – NGO Partnerships in Hungary: A Longitudinal Study
- Measuring the Emotional Intelligence of Entrepreneurs Measuring the Emotional Intelligence of Entrepreneurs
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- Sustainable Fashion Is “In” and Fast Fashion Is “Out” –A Corpus-Driven Analysis of Media Narrative Regarding the Fashion Industry’s (Un-)Sustainability Sustainable Fashion Is “In” and Fast Fashion Is “Out” –A Corpus-Driven Analysis of Media Narrative Regarding the Fashion Industry’s (Un-)Sustainability
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Universities: Chances and Challenges on the Way to Greenhouse Gas Neutrality Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Universities: Chances and Challenges on the Way to Greenhouse Gas Neutrality
- Country-Level Sustainability Indicators in Central and Eastern Europe: Integrating Un Sdgs and Ecological Footprint to Identify Meaningful Clusters and Assess Regional Performance Country-Level Sustainability Indicators in Central and Eastern Europe: Integrating Un Sdgs and Ecological Footprint to Identify Meaningful Clusters and Assess Regional Performance
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- Navigating the Automation Conundrum in the Modern Workplace Navigating the Automation Conundrum in the Modern Workplace
- New Meaning of CSR in Business: Support for Ukraine’s Societal Resilience in Wartime New Meaning of CSR in Business: Support for Ukraine’s Societal Resilience in Wartime
- The Emergence and Relevance of Different CSR Motivational Factors Among Hungarian SMEs The Emergence and Relevance of Different CSR Motivational Factors Among Hungarian SMEs
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- Artificial Intelligence in Retail Stores: Evaluation of Readiness to Adopt AI Technologies Among Consumers Artificial Intelligence in Retail Stores: Evaluation of Readiness to Adopt AI Technologies Among Consumers
- Beyond Financials: Understanding the Implications of NFRD and CSRD on Non-financial Reporting Beyond Financials: Understanding the Implications of NFRD and CSRD on Non-financial Reporting
- A Survey of Sustainable Mental Health Among Students at Higher Education Institutions of Economics in Budapest A Survey of Sustainable Mental Health Among Students at Higher Education Institutions of Economics in Budapest
- The Role of Biogas in Energy Supply - Focus on Affordability, Sustainability and Security of Supply The Role of Biogas in Energy Supply - Focus on Affordability, Sustainability and Security of Supply
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- Challenges in Restoring the Voices in the Storm: Analyzing Public Discourse on Sustainability During Economic Turbulence Using Data Mining and NLP Challenges in Restoring the Voices in the Storm: Analyzing Public Discourse on Sustainability During Economic Turbulence Using Data Mining and NLP
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- The Role of the Circular Economy in the Labour Market and Employment Rate in the European Union The Role of the Circular Economy in the Labour Market and Employment Rate in the European Union
- Adoption of Sustainability-Oriented Innovation: Case of Shared Mobility in the Czech Republic Adoption of Sustainability-Oriented Innovation: Case of Shared Mobility in the Czech Republic
- Silver Integration for Age-Inclusiveness – Implementing Sustainability Development Goals in Retail Banking Silver Integration for Age-Inclusiveness – Implementing Sustainability Development Goals in Retail Banking
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- Unraveling the Layers of Digital Competitiveness in the Economic Systems Unraveling the Layers of Digital Competitiveness in the Economic Systems
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- Understanding the Impact of the Ecological Transaction on the Human Capital of University Students: A Cross-Country Analysis Understanding the Impact of the Ecological Transaction on the Human Capital of University Students: A Cross-Country Analysis
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- Synergy of Tackling Grand Challenges – From the Business Diplomacy’s Perspective Synergy of Tackling Grand Challenges – From the Business Diplomacy’s Perspective
- The Importance of Effective Communication in Lean Transformation Success —Insights From a Hungarian Manufacturing Study The Importance of Effective Communication in Lean Transformation Success —Insights From a Hungarian Manufacturing Study
- Price Patterns in Vienna’s Hospitality: Analyzing the Impact of Ratings, Reviews, and Proximity on Hotel Rates Price Patterns in Vienna’s Hospitality: Analyzing the Impact of Ratings, Reviews, and Proximity on Hotel Rates
- Renewable Energy in Hungary: Awareness, Challenges, and Opportunities Renewable Energy in Hungary: Awareness, Challenges, and Opportunities
- Adaptive Reuse and Counterpreservation; A Study of Haus Schwarzenberg Adaptive Reuse and Counterpreservation; A Study of Haus Schwarzenberg
- The Transformation of Polish Enterprises Towards Sustainable Development The Transformation of Polish Enterprises Towards Sustainable Development
- Exploring Gender and Age Dynamics in Social Media Marketing: A Questionnaire-Based Analysis Exploring Gender and Age Dynamics in Social Media Marketing: A Questionnaire-Based Analysis
- The Future of Employees’ Learning: Understanding Generation Z Attiitudes Towards Artificial Intelligence The Future of Employees’ Learning: Understanding Generation Z Attiitudes Towards Artificial Intelligence
- Limits to Discretionary Decision-making in Rapidly Changing Economic Environment: Fiscal Policy and Special Interests Limits to Discretionary Decision-making in Rapidly Changing Economic Environment: Fiscal Policy and Special Interests
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- Sustainability Practices in European Football: A Comparative Analysis of Top Clubs and Slovenian Counterparts Sustainability Practices in European Football: A Comparative Analysis of Top Clubs and Slovenian Counterparts
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- Exploring Price Unfairness in Multi-Channel Retailing and Its Impact on Complaint Behaviour Exploring Price Unfairness in Multi-Channel Retailing and Its Impact on Complaint Behaviour
- Work Values, Expectations and Motivation of Students as Future Employees Work Values, Expectations and Motivation of Students as Future Employees
- Health-Promoting Leadership Interventions Health-Promoting Leadership Interventions
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- Assessment of the Fiscal Sustainability in Africa Using the Panel Unit Root and Cointegration Tests Assessment of the Fiscal Sustainability in Africa Using the Panel Unit Root and Cointegration Tests

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