Teaching for the Future in Early Childhood Education
Ključne besede:
predšolska vzgoja, poučevanje, učenje, algoritmično mišljenje, kognicijaKratka vsebina
Poučevanje za prihodnost v predšolski vzgoji. Temeljno področje monografije je poučevanje in učenje otrok v predšolski vzgoji. Mednarodna monografija vključuje prispevke avtorjev iz treh držav, ki osvetljujejo različne perspektive sodobnega poučevanja in učenja, značilne za predšolsko vzgojo in izobraževanje. Izhodišče za nastanek monografije je sodelovanje raziskovalcev različnih univerz v projektu Erasmus+ Algolittle, ki so v okviru projekta raziskovali pomembne sodobne koncepte poučevanja v predšolski vzgoji, kot je kako razvijati algoritmično mišljenje pri predšolskih otrocih, kako poučevati algoritmično mišljenje študente predšolske vzgoje in kakšen je pomen tovrstnih kognitivnih veščin za znanje v prihodnosti. Monografija sicer presega okvir projekta, saj vključuje nova znanstvena spoznanja vezana na implementacijo različnih najsodobnejših konceptov pri učenju in poučevanju predšolskih otrok, kot so izvršilne funkcije, algoritmično mišljenje, ustvarjalnost, problemsko mišljenje, integracija poučevanja različnih področij, poučevanje na daljavo, specifične pedagoške prakse ter s tem predstavlja široko paleto tem, ki so pomembne za razvoj učenja in poučevanja v predšolski vzgoji že sedaj in v prihodnosti.
- Parents' Perceptions on Early Childhood Independence in Self-care and Doing Chores Parents' Perceptions on Early Childhood Independence in Self-care and Doing Chores
- What Can We Learn From Evaluation of Individual Education Plans for Children At Risk in Early Childhood Education? What Can We Learn From Evaluation of Individual Education Plans for Children At Risk in Early Childhood Education?
- Pre-School Teachers’ Views on Distance Education as a Part of Teaching in the Future Pre-School Teachers’ Views on Distance Education as a Part of Teaching in the Future
- Identifying Challenges and Opportunities for the Future of Montessori Music Education Identifying Challenges and Opportunities for the Future of Montessori Music Education
- Exploring Early Childhood Teachers' Differentiation Practices in Teaching Mathematics with Learning Trajectories Exploring Early Childhood Teachers' Differentiation Practices in Teaching Mathematics with Learning Trajectories
- The Correlation Between Integrated Learning and Movement in the Function of a Modern Approach to Teaching The Correlation Between Integrated Learning and Movement in the Function of a Modern Approach to Teaching
- Teaching Social Sciences in ECE: Exploring Correlations with Creativity and Algorithmic Thinking Teaching Social Sciences in ECE: Exploring Correlations with Creativity and Algorithmic Thinking
- Attitudes of Students, Future Educators Towards Creativity in Relation to the Development of Algorithmic Thinking Skills Attitudes of Students, Future Educators Towards Creativity in Relation to the Development of Algorithmic Thinking Skills
- A Study on Preschool Teachers’ Thinking Supportive Behaviours A Study on Preschool Teachers’ Thinking Supportive Behaviours
- Executive Functions in Early Childhood Executive Functions in Early Childhood
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