Contemporary Issues in Tourism
Ključne besede:
turizem, razvoj, tematski turizem, športni turizem, dobro počutje, javno zdravje, vloga lokalnih oblastiKratka vsebina
Aktualna vprašanja v turizmu. Znanstvena monografija s področja aktualnih tematik razvoja turizma, ki se prepleta s področjem zdravja, dobrega počutja, vloge lokalnih oblasti pri načrtovanju, izvajanju in ocenjevanju politik ter praks, povezanih z vprašanji javnega zdravja, bralcu ponuja sistematični teoretični pregled literature z omenjenega področja, kot tudi študije primer obravnavanih tematik. Bralcu vsebino predstavljajo številni raziskovalci in strokovnjaki, ki delujejo bodisi v Sloveniji ali po drugih državah nekdanje Jugoslavije. Obravnavane tematike naslavljajo aktualna vprašanja v razvoju turistične znanosti, so multidisciplinarne in med seboj povezujejo različna stališča ter koncepte.Bralcu je na voljo vpogled v stroko, za potrebe nadaljnjega razvoja sektorja.

- Rural Olympiads as Promoters of Old Folk Sports and Games Rural Olympiads as Promoters of Old Folk Sports and Games
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- Influence of Explainer Videos in Marketing Communication for Tourism and Health Services Influence of Explainer Videos in Marketing Communication for Tourism and Health Services
- New Tourism Trend: Travelling with Pets or Pet Sitting at a Pet Hotel? New Tourism Trend: Travelling with Pets or Pet Sitting at a Pet Hotel?
- Motivations for Hosting on Airbnb: the Case of Slovenia Motivations for Hosting on Airbnb: the Case of Slovenia
- Inclusion of Dark Heritage in the Contemporary Tourist Offer of the City of Maribor Inclusion of Dark Heritage in the Contemporary Tourist Offer of the City of Maribor
- Literary Walking Tours as a Form of Well-being: Slovene Writers' Trail and the Prežihov Voranc Route Literary Walking Tours as a Form of Well-being: Slovene Writers' Trail and the Prežihov Voranc Route
- When Wine Meets Generation Z When Wine Meets Generation Z
- Wine Tourism as aType of Well-being Tourism – Literature Review Wine Tourism as aType of Well-being Tourism – Literature Review
- Most Prominent Topics in Wellness Tourism Research: Topic Modelling Analysis Most Prominent Topics in Wellness Tourism Research: Topic Modelling Analysis
- European Projects as a Good Practice of Providing More Opportunities for People with Disabilities in Sports Tourism European Projects as a Good Practice of Providing More Opportunities for People with Disabilities in Sports Tourism
- Tourism Experience in Accessible Tourism: Designing a Mobile Application for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Tourism Experience in Accessible Tourism: Designing a Mobile Application for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- The Impacts of Adventure Tourism in Mountain Regions – a Review The Impacts of Adventure Tourism in Mountain Regions – a Review
- Local Tourism Development: Earmarked Taxes for Enhancing Tourism in Slovenian Municipalities Local Tourism Development: Earmarked Taxes for Enhancing Tourism in Slovenian Municipalities